Documentation générale

C O M P É T E N C E PROFESSIONNELLE C E R T I F I C A T D E DU SYNDICAT FRANÇAIS D E L’ E C H A F A U D A G E , DUCOFFRAGE ETDE L’ETAIEMENT It has been a long-standing company commitment to ensure the day-to-day safety of our scaffolding, to guarantee the safety of both the erectors and users of our products and thus ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. Our policy is demonstrated by our certifications: Our products: Crab equipment is manufactured to the French “NF équipements chantier” standard [Worksite equipment French standard] . Our management system: Thanks to the commitment of all our staff in all our regional branches, we have obtained and maintained our ISO 9001: 2008 certification for all our activities. In addition, we have a recognised commitment to safety and some of our branches have achieved MASE certification for our health and safety management system. Our skills: Our proven technical and staff skills are reflected in the quality of delivered products and recognised by: Quality and safety • QUALIBAT , which awarded us its highest ratings (technicité supérieure*). 1413 : Fixed scaffolding 1433 : Public event structures 1443 : Shoring * A company that, incorporating a design office, can design and produce tall structures for which calculation notes are required. The design office must have at least one engineer and one technician with three years’ experience in the construction business. • Syndicat Français de l’échafaudage, du coffrage et de l’étaiement , which awarded us its highest ratings (compétence supérieure*). 1C : Service scaffolding 2C : Shoring 4C : Public event structures * A company that, incorporating a design office, has the competencies required to ensure the design, supply and erection of structures of all heights and kinds, with an obligation to establish plans and calculation notes. 6