It has been a long-standing company commitment to ensure the day-to-day safety of our scaffolding, to guarantee the safety of both the erectors and users of our products and thus ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Our policy is demonstrated by our certifications.
Our system:
The customer commitment of every single employee has allowed us to achieve and maintain ISO 9001 version 2008 certification for the quality management system that governs all of our activities.
In addition, we have a recognised commitment to safety and some of our branches have achieved MASE certification for our health and safety management system.
Our products:
Entrepose Echafaudages’ Multicrab equipment complies with European standards NF EN 12810 and NF EN 12811. Entrepose Echafaudages is an approved user of MARQUE NF, managed by the AFNOR quality organisation.
Our skills:
Our proven technical and staff skills are reflected in the quality of delivered products and recognised by:
Construction industry qualification and certification body.
Qualification 1413: Static scaffolding (advanced skills). Qualification 1433: Stands and podiums (advanced skills). Qualification 1443: Shoring (advanced skills).
Le syndicat Français de l’échafaudage, du coffrage et de l’étaiement
1 C: Fixed scaffolding “Advanced skills"
2 C: Shoring “Advanced skills"
4 C: Event structures “Advanced skills". Company with a design office, having the skills required to allow it to design, supply and erect structures of all heights and all types requiring the production of drawings and design briefs.