
Recent changes to French regulations (decrees dated September and December 2004) and recommendations (CRAM R408) on work at height require companies to train their erection staff and to entrust their sites, designs and acceptance procedures to CRAM-accredited staff.
With almost 80 years’ experience in training our own staff, we have now been offering our know-how to outside companies for the past 8 years.
The quality of the courses at our Ecole Scaff training facility is recognised and accredited by the Syndicat Français de l’Échafaudage. With a team of 20 trainers, all of whom are recognised specialists and experts, we can offer 6 types of course:
User erector/static scaffolding
User erector/mobile scaffolding
Scaffolding acceptance and inspection
Professional qualification certificate (CQP)
Scaff'Cad: AutoCad-based 3D design package (
We have a training centre at Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (Paris region) and we are also happy to provide trainers to work on your own site.
Contact our team for more information.
165 boulevard de Valmy – 92707 Colombes cedex
Tel: +33 1 57 60 94 01